More than $30,000 has been raised to help Friends in Puerto Padre, Cuba, renovate the old Wilmington School that was built there in 1909. That amount may will increase after all the Mason jars full of coins and bills have been collected from Meetings throughout Wilmington Yearly Meeting (WYM), and
108 Dolls and One Small Cross
Symbols and rituals are not part of our usual Quaker faith and practice. Many have been the times, however, when I have found a symbol, an artifact, to be central to my continuing faith journey. Somewhere in me resides this window, or perhaps it is a door, with the smallest
A Plague Among Us
In his book The Plague, Albert Camus writes about a town that was engulfed by the plague, killing scores of people. On the last page of the book, the main character, Dr. Rieux, is listening to the surviving inhabitants of the town celebrate the end of the plague: “As he