Cincinnati Friends Meeting financially supports and engages with the following local organizations:
EquaSion - Cincinnati Friends Meeting is an active member of EquaSion, a non-partisan civic organization founded upon interfaith dialogue that works to develop educational and community service programming to foster greater understanding, respect, compassion, inclusion and engagement for all people and faith communities in Greater Cincinnati and beyond. EquaSion believes that the foundation of faith is compassion and that justice is central to all faiths.
EquaSion sponsors the Festival of Faiths, which is held each year around Labor Day, at the Cintas Center on the Xavier University campus. Cincinnati Friends' Minister and Public Friend sits on the Planning Committee for this event. Equasion also sponsors, "A Mighty Stream," which is a program dedicated to racial justice. Our Minister and Public Friend is a member of the Advisory Board of this organization, which has led to our Meeting partnering with Beulah Baptist Church for fellowship and discussion.
Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati (MARCC)—MARCC is a coalition that enables its 15 judicatories, including the Religious Society of Friends, to work together on a few agreed-upon local social concerns to make life better for people in metropolitan Cincinnati.
Ignite Peace (formerly Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center) educates and advocates for peace, challenges unjust systems, and promotes the creation of a nonviolent society.