In the nineteenth century, many Cincinnati Friends felt called to address the needs of the city’s most vulnerable citizens: its children. Some had mothers who had been imprisoned and had no other option but to take their children to jail with them or leave them homeless. Some youngsters were under
Social Concerns
The Work of Peace & Social Concerns
Upon becoming a member of Cincinnati Friends Meeting (CFM) several years ago, I knew this was just the beginning of my spiritual growth and discovering how I could best serve the community. Of the multiple committee options, the one that I felt was most suited for me and my journey
Right Sharing of World Resources
Last October, I attended a Quaker lecture at Wilmington College on Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR). RSWR is a Quaker non-profit based in Richmond, Indiana, that has two main organizational goals: To provide resources to marginalized women in developing countries (to improve the quality of life for the women,
Discernment on Reproductive Healthcare
Last March, Cincinnati Friends Meeting approved the formation of a small group that led two open worship sharing sessions to discern our meeting’s responses to a series of queries posed by the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) regarding reproductive health. Seventeen people participated in the process, either during the
Death by the Numbers
9 billion dollars – the cost of gun violence in the state of Tennessee, with $433 million of that cost paid by taxpayers. 39,707 – the number of Americans killed by firearms in the United States in 2019 (from CDC statistics). 1,762 – the number of Ohioans who died from