As I seek to continue to grow spiritually, two words have become very important to me: Passion and Authenticity. I find myself becoming more aware of what gives my life passion, as well as what takes my passion away. I am also more sensitive as to how I grow spiritually
Pastor’s Corner
Articles by Jim Newby
The People Called Quakers
In January I began teaching another course on the people called Quakers. I teach this class, with some variation, at least twice a year. It is a class designed to help those who are in the process of discerning whether or not to become members of Cincinnati Friends Meeting, as
The Double Priority
In the course of studying the history of the people called Quakers, two major contributions come into prominence. On the one hand, Friends are known for their active social concern. Since their beginning, the story of Friends attacking a series of social evils has been a thrilling one. The most
What Type of Person Is Attracted to Quakerism?
Throughout their history, the people called Quakers have been an important spiritual anchor of hope during times of cultural turmoil. People today are searching for stability and hope. They want assurance that, in the words of Julian of Norwich, all shall be well. I believe that the Society of Friends
My Personal Credo
On Thursday, April 13, I shared with the Daytime Spirituality group, “My Personal Credo.” A credo is defined as “a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone’s actions.” Periodically I evaluate my credo, recognizing that I am forever evolving, and God, as understood through our Quaker tradition, is