There are sections of the Gospels that I find challenging to comprehend. For example, Jesus tells his listeners that calling their brother a fool puts their soul in danger, yet Jesus himself calls the Pharisees a brood of vipers. This man who described himself as “gentle and lowly of heart”
Book Reviews
A Voice from the Past: The Sermons of Murray Shipley
I first “met” Murray Shipley when I began researching my book Friends Past and Present: The Bicentennial History of Cincinnati Friends Meeting (1815–2015). I was immediately intrigued by his character and accomplishments. A deeply devout man, Shipley was very active in Cincinnati Friends Meeting, and was recorded as a minister
Review of “Freeing Jesus” by Diana Butler Bass
I know Diana Butler Bass as a church historian. I heard her speak at ESR after the publication of Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening, which was a passionate but still scholarly study of the past and future of Christian faith.