Ongoing Peace & Social Concerns Projects

Kroger Community Rewards Program

Kroger pays up to $1,250,000 on a quarterly basis to participating organizations based on their percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending of all participating Kroger Community Rewards Organizations. To support Cincinnati Friends Meeting through your Kroger purchases, go to and choose Cincinnati Monthly Meeting/Religious Society of Friends, code: pi373. Once a household member enrolls their card, all linked Kroger Plus Cards within that household begin earning rewards. The Peace and Social Concerns Committee disperses these funds to local organizations supported by the Meeting.  Feel free to share our Kroger number with friends and family.  Every time a member, attender, family, family friend, or neighbor of our Meeting shops at Kroger and uses their Kroger Plus Card, we earn rewards!

For detailed instruction on how to sign up for Kroger Community Rewards, to check on or switch your current choice of organization click on this link:  Kroger Community Rewards Instructions

Stamps for Quaker Organizations

A committee of First Friends Indianapolis sells stamps to stamp dealers and gives 100% of the proceeds to Quaker organizations. This stamp-saving project has provided more than $50,000 to Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) and other Quaker organizations.

Dealers pay bonus prices for domestic and foreign cancelled stamps; domestic envelopes with the stamp attached in its original condition prior to 1970; foreign envelopes with the stamp attached in original condition with current or old postmarks; picture postcards with the stamp attached; unused postcards; U.S. Mint sheet stamps; and stamp collections.  Stamps that we do not send include non-profit stamps, presorted stamps, and common forever stamps such as American flags.

To save a stamp, cut it from the envelope, leaving ¼″ space around the stamp. You can put your stamps in the envelope on the bulletin board next to the library.