
Mark Your Calendars

  • September 3, 10 and 17, 6:30-9:00pm, Quakerism Class at CFM
  • September 14, 2PM, Ohio Open Doors Event at CFM, “Quaker History Happens Here”
  • September 22, 3:00PM Tour of Spring Grove Cemetery
  • September 28-October 3, retreat on Jim Newby’s book, Reflections from the Inner Light, in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
  • October 8, 15 and 22, 6:30-8:00PM Bible Class with Jim Newby at CFM
  • October 12, time TBD, Saturday spiritual retreat with Ron Rembert. “How Large the Wisdom, How Tender the Sympathy...” - Five Friends Whose Lives and Work Speak in Ways That Continue to Challenge Us Today
  • October 27, @ 12:15PM, Peace & Social Concerns to host community leaders, Mike Moroski & David Mann at CFM

Note: Ohio Open Doors is a biennial event that offers organizations the chance to show buildings and spaces rarely seen by the public and offer new, one-of-kind experiences.

Quaker History Happens Here

Ohio Open Doors is state-wide biennial event during which building and landmark owners open their doors to the public for special tours and programs. It's sponsored by the Ohio History Connection and its partner organizations, the Ohio Arts CouncilOhio Tourism, the Ohio Travel Association, and Heritage Ohio.

On Saturday, September 14, from 2–4:30 PM, Cincinnati Friends Meeting is hosting an Ohio Open Doors event at our meetinghouse: “Quaker History Happens Here.” This program features:

  • A presentation by Sabrina Darnowsky on the history of Quaker meetinghouses in Cincinnati since 1813, how our testimonies influence meetinghouse design and architecture, and the impact of the Religious Society of Friends on local history
  • Live Quaker-themed music by the Williams Family Singers, as well as plainsong by Paulette Meier
  • A reading and discussion of the words of the Ohio-born Quaker mystic Thomas Kelly in the form of poetry, led by Michael Ramos
  • A creative arts experience led by Joanie Weidner, focusing on the Quaker testimonies and what those words mean to each person

An Introduction to the Bible—A Three-Week Survey of the Bible

Instructor: Jim Newby

This class is for persons who would like a brief overview of how our Bible came to be, as well as a study of what books the Bible includes in what we call, “The Canon.”

This class will meet on Tuesday evenings, October 8. 15 and 22, beginning at 6:30 p.m. and concluding by 8:00 p.m.

October 8… Bible Beginnings and a Quick Journey through Hebrew Scripture

October 15...The Gospels...The Story of the Storytellers

October 22...The Letters of Paul

Please call or email the Meeting Office if you would like to participate.

Save the Date for This Fall Spiritual Retreat

"How Large the Wisdom, How Tender the Sympathy . . .” is a four-part spiritual retreat that will be led by Ron Rembert. It examines several Quakers whose lives and work speak in ways that continue to challenge us today.

Saturday, October 12, 2024 (hours TBD)

John Woolman: Faith and Testimony

Thomas Kelly: Prayer and Seeking

Fritz Eichenberg: Art as Witness

Jessamyn West and Daisy Newman: Fiction as Teacher

Ron Rembert was born and raised in Texas, and has also lived in Connecticut, Georgia, and Ohio. He shares a wide range of seeking experiences across various religious communities, including Methodism, Quakerism, and Catholicism. A forty-year academic career afforded opportunities to teach and to do research in numerous settings—an elementary school classroom in Connecticut, a Methodist college, a school for hearing-impaired students in Texas, Wilmington College in Ohio, and a research unit focused on moral education in Oxford, England. One special teaching experience stood out, launching "Philosophy for Children," designed for elementary school students. Two other experiences involved creating/performing a one-person show, Socrates On Trial, based on the text of Plato's The Apology, as a theatrical introduction to philosophy for college students, and offering a course, "Baseball and Philosophy," at Wilmington College. Ron lives with his wife, Theresa, in Wilmington. Their son, Mark, and his family, April and August, reside in Boston.

EDUCATORS past and present, interested learners… We need you!

What? Help the Meeting assess the need for and assemble a proposal of responsibilities for an Education and Spiritual Nurture Committee.

How? Share your knowledge, your experience, your ideas with others who value and want to support education and spiritual nurture for all ages.

When? Group would meet as individual schedules allow. This can be a short-term commitment.

Contact? Linda Daigle if you are interested.

Sunday Hospitality Information

On the first & third Sundays of each month we welcome all to join together in the Fireside Room for fellowship and a potluck lunch after meeting for worship. Feel free to bring any type of "potluck" food to share (prepared dishes you can readily set out). Please join us!

Coffee will be offered after every Sunday service in the Fireside room to give folks a chance to mingle.

~ The Hospitality Team

A Call to the Community—First Day School

Are you willing to teach First Day School for one Sunday? There is a curriculum all set to use so no pre planning required!

We need volunteers to help with First day School for the 3rd grade and older class. You can select any Sunday starting in September.

Would you consider taking on a Sunday?  A signup sheet with the dates and topics of each class is on a clipboard located on the hall table. If there are no children that day, join us in worship.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Linda Daigle ( or Nan Hatch (

Thank you for considering. It’s a rewarding opportunity!

Kroger Community Rewards Program

Kroger pays up to $1,250,000 on a quarterly basis to participating organizations based on their percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending of all participating Kroger Community Rewards Organizations.

To support Cincinnati Friends Meeting through your Kroger purchases, go to and choose Cinti Monthly Meeting/Religious Society of Friends, code: pi373.

Once a household member enrolls their card, all linked Kroger Plus Cards within that household begin earning rewards. The Peace and Social Concerns Committee disperses these funds to local organizations supported by the Meeting. Feel free to share our Kroger number with friends and family. Every time a member, attender, family, family friend, or neighbor of our Meeting shops at Kroger and uses their Kroger Plus Card, we earn rewards!

Food Bank Sunday

Food Pantry Sundays

Cincinnati Friends Meeting supports local food pantries by collecting non-perishable food and personal care items at our meetinghouse. (Plastic tubs for contributions are located in the entryway.) Although we collect these donations throughout the year, we put special emphasis on doing so on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. On these day, we give particular thought to the hungry in our community.

The Peace & Social Concerns Committee is contributing CFM’s donations to the Loveland Life Pantry.  Currently, Freestore Foodbank does not accept individual donations.

Current greatest need at Loveland Life Pantry

SENIORS: Ensure/Boost

FOOD: Canned Chicken, Canned Fruit, Mixed Vegetables, Canned Carrots, Cereal, Coffee, Flour, Manwich/Sloppy Joe, Ramen, Spaghetti

HOUSEHOLD & PAPER GOODS: Dish Soap, Laundry Detergent, Paper Towels