
Celebrate Fox’s 400th birthday with English dinner & program this Sunday evening

Join the 1652 Pilgrims as Cincinnati Friends Meeting celebrates the 400th birthday of Quaker Founder George Fox Sunday, July 21, at 6 pm for an English dinner and program.
Hosted at the meetinghouse, the potluck theme is English cuisine. Those who made the 1652 trip in April will bring food, others are encouraged to; however, it is not required.
Come spend some time together, break bread in community, and follow along as pilgrims share their journeys tracing George Fox’s steps in words and images. It was a magical time with rich insights into which 1652 Pilgrims invite others. For more information, including English food ideas, contact Cathy Barney, nurturer for spiritual growth & outreach, at, or See your directory for phone numbers.

3, 2, 1 . . . Book Launch!

During a turbulent period in their history, nineteenth-century members of the Religious Society of Friends were struggling with a challenging question: what exactly do Quakers believe?

Sowing the Seed of Truth: Orthodox Quaker Sermons of Murray Shipley (1873-1876), the latest book by our meeting historian Sabrina Darnowsky, provides an almost unique glimpse into the preaching of Gurneyite Friends, who made up the largest of the segments of American Quakerism after 1820. This book is a collection of thirty-five sermons by the well-respected Cincinnati minister Murray Shipley, along with an introduction to the central tenets of Quakerism and how they affected early Friends’ messages. Through vivid personal anecdotes, dramatic narratives, unusual allegories, and engaging details about life in the 1870s, Shipley invites others to experience a life transformed by the spirit of God.

To celebrate the book’s availability, The Bookmatters is hosting an author event on Wednesday, August 14, at 6 PM at their bookstore on 6 Main Street in Milford, a beautiful nineteenth-century building that’s the perfect venue for this launch! Sabrina will be reading selected passages and signing copies purchased at the store. Space is limited, so please be sure to RSVP.  (There are 2 seats left as of 7/19/2024)

Bethany House Basics Kit Drive

On July 2, Peace and Social Committee members, Jeff Clark and Mary Wittrock, delivered 2 full carloads of items from the Bethany House Basics Kit drive that were donated by the Cincinnati Friends members & attendees. As was shared with us, there is an increase in those who are homeless and the need is growing for the support of the community. Once families transition from being homeless and are placed into independent living through the assistance of Bethany House, the Basic Kit items enable a new and fresh start to families. The delivery of 2 full whole home basic kits plus additional low inventory items from the Cincinnati Friends community helped in the efforts to reach the goal of stabilizing families as quickly as possible. The timing of this outreach and the generosity of those who found it in their heart to support this very worthwhile endeavor brings hope to many families.

Thank you.  Peace & Social Concerns Committee

** The two plus kits could not fit in one picture!


Chairs for the New Conversation Table


Now that the chairs for the conversation circle have been finally approved and assembled, Trustees invite you to consider donating one of them in memory of a loved one, a friend, or someone in the Meeting. Chairs, including a 1" x 3" engraved brass plate, cost $125 each. Please contact the office or any trustee if you are interested.

EDUCATORS past and present, interested learners… We need you!

What? Help the Meeting assess the need for and assemble a proposal of responsibilities for an Education and Spiritual Nurture Committee.

How? Share your knowledge, your experience, your ideas with others who value and want to support education and spiritual nurture for all ages.

When? Group would meet as individual schedules allow. This can be a short-term commitment.

Contact? Linda Daigle if you are interested.

Sunday Hospitality Information

On the first & third Sundays of each month we welcome all to join together in the Fireside Room for fellowship and a potluck lunch after meeting for worship. Feel free to bring any type of "potluck" food to share (prepared dishes you can readily set out). Please join us!

Coffee will be offered after every Sunday service in the Fireside room to give folks a chance to mingle.

~ The Hospitality Committee

A Call to the Community—First Day School

Are you willing to teach First Day School for one Sunday? There is a curriculum all set to use so no pre planning required!

We need volunteers to help with First day School for the 3rd grade and older class. You can select any Sunday starting in September.

Would you consider taking on a Sunday?  A signup sheet with the dates and topics of each class is on a clipboard located on the hall table. If there are no children that day, join us in worship.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Linda Daigle ( or Nan Hatch (

Thank you for considering. It’s a rewarding opportunity!

Kroger Community Rewards Program

Kroger pays up to $1,250,000 on a quarterly basis to participating organizations based on their percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending of all participating Kroger Community Rewards Organizations.

To support Cincinnati Friends Meeting through your Kroger purchases, go to and choose Cinti Monthly Meeting/Religious Society of Friends, code: pi373.

Once a household member enrolls their card, all linked Kroger Plus Cards within that household begin earning rewards. The Peace and Social Concerns Committee disperses these funds to local organizations supported by the Meeting. Feel free to share our Kroger number with friends and family. Every time a member, attender, family, family friend, or neighbor of our Meeting shops at Kroger and uses their Kroger Plus Card, we earn rewards!

Food Bank Sunday

Food Pantry Sundays

Cincinnati Friends Meeting supports local food pantries by collecting non-perishable food and personal care items at our meetinghouse. (Plastic tubs for contributions are located in the entryway.) Although we collect these donations throughout the year, we put special emphasis on doing so on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. On these day, we give particular thought to the hungry in our community.

The Peace & Social Concerns Committee is contributing CFM’s donations to the Loveland Life Pantry.  Currently, Freestore Foodbank does not accept individual donations.

Current greatest need at Loveland Life Pantry

SENIORS: Ensure/Boost

FOOD: Canned Chicken, Canned Fruit, Mixed Vegetables, Canned Carrots, Cereal, Coffee, Flour, Manwich/Sloppy Joe, Ramen, Spaghetti

HOUSEHOLD & PAPER GOODS: Dish Soap, Laundry Detergent, Paper Towels