The last weekend of July proved much more than a recording of my gifts of ministry during the Wilmington Yearly Meeting annual sessions in Maryville, TN. I expanded the depth and the breadth of my Beloved Community, completed an ancestral Quaker circle, shared a moment with younger, inspiring Quaker ministers,
Recent Events
Firefly Lights up (at) Quaker Knoll
The brainchild of Beulah Baptist Church’s Lynn Davis, and developed in collaboration with CFM’s Cathy Barney, the recent July 12-14 weekend camping retreat grew out of the relationship established between the two faith communities through their participation in the interfaith organization Equasion. ( Bertha Lynn wanted to give Beulah kids
Reflections on a Retreat Led by Michael Birkel
I don’t know what I expected Michael Birkel to be like. Maybe a sobersided Quaker or a professorial academic. Whatever I expected, I was delightfully wrong. Michael Birkel is lighthearted, very funny, personable, and self-effacing. He stated at the outset that if his humor offended, to let him know. “I
Patia Appreciation Day
I am really happy to be able to honor my friend and someone I consider an authentic role model for sticking close to God: Patia Williams. I first met Patia when Lily and Autumn were very young. Jill Gomez, who also had daughters my girls’ ages—we became members together—had been
Zalla Movie Captures Quaker Testimonies
New video technology recently installed in the Cincinnati Friends Meeting worship room made it the perfect venue for a private screening of the movie Radical with producer Christopher Zalla, attender Tom Zalla’s son. A cluster of friends gathered between Christmas and New Year’s Eve to view the film about a