FCNL Wants to Hear Your Voice

Every two years, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) reaches out to Quaker meetings across our nation for input that will direct their congressional advocacy and lobbying on behalf of issues that Quakers care about. They are currently preparing to develop their priorities for the upcoming 117th Congress for

Faces of Addiction

Faces of Addiction started as an awareness project to create a fresh understanding of addiction and addicted people through portraits and life stories. It turned out to be much more. About 60 addicted persons were interviewed and photographed, and 55 of those images and narratives have appeared in art shows

Wounded Healers

For many years I have led seminars for religious leaders who are in transition. The seminars are called Sacred Chaos, after the title of my book by the same name. The ministers who are attracted to this seminar are experiencing a great deal of turmoil in their lives—divorce, retirement, the