Last month, Rhonda Pfaltzgraff-Carlson from Eastern Hills Friends gave a presentation at the Cincinnati Friends meetinghouse on bringing more spiritual life into the workplace. She began by describing how she became aware of the calling that led to her new ministry, christened Light for Organizations. After getting a Certificate of
The Stewardship of OMD
A few months ago, my husband Bob and I heard an interview with Suzy Amis Cameron. She was talking about her book, The OMD Plan. We were already doing several things at home to lessen our footprints on our planet. OMD is one more step we have taken. OMD stands
Financial Literacy as Social Justice
The development of a sensitive conscience concerning the existing maladjustments, unfair practices, and positive evils of our economic system should be a vital concern to all Friends. ~ Faith and Practice of Wilmington Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Brian Page, a member of Cincinnati Friends Meeting
A Quaker Response to Crisis
During the current coronavirus outbreak, when Quakers around the world are seeking to minister to those in need, it is inspiring to recall the extraordinary work done by Friends in Ireland, Britain, and the United States to relieve the suffering of the Irish poor during the Great Famine of the
A Migrant with Hope: A Memoir of Peril and Promise
My husband Jim and I were having dinner with Quaker author and friend, Brent Bill, and we were discussing our current writing projects. I asked Brent, “Do you think there is a new audience for my book, A Migrant with Hope?” Brent responded in the affirmative, and encouraged me to