Tao Study Group

January 13, 2025 @ 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Cincinnati Friends Meeting
8075 Keller Rd
OH 45243
Jeff Arnold

This group has been meeting for over 15 years. Membership is open to any who want to attend on a meeting-to-meeting basis. Many people in the group come and go as schedules permit, so feel free to attend a meeting if interested and try it out.

The group has completed its study of the Tao Teh Ching, and is moving on to the study of the next great Taoist writer, Chuang Tzu. We are using Burton Watson’s text Chuang Tzu: Basic Writings as our primary guide, with other texts as applicable.

The group begins with a period of meditation or centering down. Then we read the chapters from several different translations. We find that the differing viewpoints offered by various translators gives us more insight into the meaning of the text. We spend the rest of the time discussing and trying to make sense of what we have read. Discussions are informal, non-academic, personal, and a lot of fun.

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