The recurring calendar is a list of tasks that should be accomplished each month. This calendar was last updated on December, 15, 2022.
- By January 5, Clerk of Ministry & Counsel sends reminders to committee clerks and/or coordinators that annual reports describing their activities for the previous year are due January 20. These reports, submitted to Clerk of Ministry & Counsel, are used to write the State of Society Report for Wilmington Yearly Meeting. WYM Ministry & Counsel, will be sending questions in January to be used to write the report. The State of Society Report is presented for approval no later than the April Monthly Meeting and is due at the WYM office before May 15.
- Since the fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31, the Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and Assistant Financial Secretary begin service on January 1.
- The Treasurer will call the meeting of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee will audit the Meeting’s financial records and the records of the Financial Secretary during January and February and will report its findings to Monthly Meeting in February or March. The Audit Committee will make a recommendation to Monthly Meeting at the conclusion of the audit that the Treasurer and Financial Secretaries each continue or not continue. The Nominating Committee will fill these positions only if Meeting for Business determines there is an opening.
- For tax purposes, the Financial Secretary will send a letter of receipt to each contributor for total contributions the preceding year.
- All Friends are encouraged to attend the Wilmington Yearly Meeting Winter Gathering.
- The Treasurer submits to Monthly Meeting a complete report for the preceding fiscal year.
- Financial reports are due in Wilmington Yearly Meeting office by the last day of February. The Treasurer completes the forms provided by the yearly meeting.
- Membership Statistical Reports are due in the yearly meeting office by the last day of February. The Statistical Secretary completes the forms provided by the yearly meeting. In addition, the Statistical Secretary review the Cincinnati Friends membership book to determine if any young Friends turned 17 in the previous year and notifies the Clerk of Ministry & Counsel.
- The Audit Committee completes the audit of the financial records.
- The Clerk of Ministry & Counsel prepares the annual State of Society Report for approval at the March or April Monthly Meeting.
- The Clerk of the Board of Trustees will present to Monthly Meeting a complete report of the CFM investment holdings including the total value of each fund as of December 31 of the previous year.
- The Audit Committee presents to Monthly Meeting the findings of the audit and recommends keeping or releasing from service the Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and Assistant Financial Secretary.
- The Statistical Secretary presents to Monthly Meeting membership statistics sent to the yearly meeting.
- Monthly Meeting appoints to Nominating Committee two members who are familiar with Meeting activities and with the talents and gifts of other members/attenders. The Nominating Committee must be members of the Meeting. The Clerk of Monthly Meeting will ask one of the members of the committee to convene the first meeting.
- The Communications Coordinator for the printed edition of the Traveling Friend writes memorials for Meeting members who have died during the last year and sends them to the yearly meeting office by March 30.
- Every three years (in 2025, 2028, 2031, etc.), following the process outlined in the Handbook, a Financial Review Committee reviews the formula that apportions the Meeting's budget allocations. Membership on the Financial Review Committee will include the Treasurer, a member of the Trustees, a member of Ministry and Counsel, the Clerk of the Meeting and the Minister. The Clerk of Monthly Meeting will convene the first meeting. No later than the September Monthly Meeting, the Financial Review Committee will present its findings and recommendations to Monthly Meeting for approval. These recommendations will be used in writing the next year's budget.
- The Office sends out information about the summer Quaker Knoll Camp and makes registration forms available in the office or online.
- The Clerk of the Scholarship Committee notifies the Meeting that scholarship applications for the next school year are now being accepted. Scholarship applications are due no later than June 1.
- Monthly Meeting must approve the State of Society Report no later than April's Monthly Meeting.
- All Friends are encouraged to attend the Wilmington Yearly Meeting Spring Gathering.
- The clerk of the Scholarship Committee meets with the clerk of Trustees to discuss funds available for scholarships and possible number of applicants.
- The Clerk of Ministry & Counsel sends the approved State of Society Report to the Wilmington Yearly Meeting office by May 15 and to the Cincinnati Friends Meeting office administrator to post on our website.
- Monthly Meeting meets on the Third Sunday of the month, due to the conflict with Mother’s Day on the second Sunday.
- The Nominating Committee reports proposed names for officers, presiding and recording clerks, committee members, task coordinators, and representatives to Monthly Meeting for approval.
- At a called meeting, Ministry & Counsel conducts an evaluation/review of the minister's job performance.
- The Scholarship Committee meets to discuss applications and, as they are approved, the clerk reports to Monthly Meeting the names of those receiving scholarships and the amount of funds distributed.
- Ministry & Counsel reports to Monthly Meeting the results of the minister's assessment and the committee's recommendation to retain or release the minister. Monthly Meeting discerns accordingly.
- The Clerk of the Burial Committee sends a letter to Spring Grove Cemetery, informing them of committee members for the coming year.
- New committee members, task coordinators, representatives, and officers begin service.
- The scholarship committee reports to Monthly Meeting if they have not done so.
- Monthly Meeting appoints a representative to attend and subsequently report on the Wilmington Yearly Meeting Annual Summer Sessions. All Friends are encouraged to attend.
- The representative appointed in July by Monthly Meeting reports on the Wilmington Yearly Meeting Annual Summer Sessions.
- The Three-Year Financial Review Committee makes their report if they have not done so before.
- Ministry & Counsel and Trustees independently discuss specifics of the minister's compensation and benefits for the next year to be brought to the Budget Task Force meeting.
- The Minister meets with the Treasurer to discuss the non-salary portions of his expenses such as medical insurance, retirement contributions, mileage and visiting expenses, and continuing education.
- Ministry & Counsel conducts an assessment and considers compensation for the Office Administrator, Nursery Care Provider, and Nurturer for Spiritual Growth and Outreach.
- Trustees conduct an assessment and consider compensation for the custodian.
- Committees begin to plan activities and consider budget requests for the coming year. Committee clerks and coordinators submit budget requests to the Clerk of the Meeting by October 1.
- The Clerk of Trustees and the Treasurer meet to determine projected income for the following year.
- The Meeting Clerk calls a meeting of the Budget Task Force, composed of Clerk of the Meeting, a Trustee, the Treasurer, the Clerk or a representative of Ministry and Counsel, and the Clerk or a representative of Peace and Social Concerns, to prepare the budget for the coming year. The first draft will be submitted to Monthly Meeting in November.
- Ministry & Counsel reports to Monthly Meeting its assessment of the Nurturer for Spiritual Growth and Outreach, along with a recommendation to retain or release the Nurturer. Monthly Meeting discerns accordingly.
- Trustees confer with the Financial Secretary and, if needed, write letters to members/attenders requesting donations.
- All Friends are encouraged to attend the Wilmington Yearly Meeting Fall Gathering.
- Board of Trustees and Ministry & Counsel will each select two members of the Meeting to recommend to Monthly Meeting in December for service on the Audit Committee.
- The Budget Task Force presents a first draft of the next year’s budget to Monthly Meeting for discussion.
- The Budget Task Force submits for approval the final draft of the budget for the coming year. The Treasurer will call the first meeting.
- Members of the Audit Committee are appointed by Monthly Meeting, based on recommendations brought by Ministry & Counsel and Trustees. The Treasurer will call the meeting when records are ready for audit.
- Ministry & Counsel will review and update the next year’s recurring calendar and give it to the Office for posting by January 1.