This form provides your email, directory information, how you would like to receive our newsletter, and other permissions. Contact & Permissions Form
If you incur expenses on behalf of Cincinnati Friends Meeting, please complete the Check Requisition Form and leave it in the Treasurer's mailbox in the library so that you can be reimbursed.
With the approval of the Trustees, members and attenders of Cincinnati Friends Meeting, other Quakers, and other individuals can use our building or grounds for private events, such as weddings, concerts, or conferences. The Building & Grounds Use Fee Schedule provides information about the associated costs. For additional information, please contact a member of the Trustees committee.
Cincinnati Friends Meeting does not allow the use of alcohol or tobacco on its property.
If you would like to use the Cincinnati Friends meetinghouse or grounds for an event such as a wedding, concert, or conference, please submit an application using the Building & Grounds Use Request Form. This form should be placed in the Trustees mailbox in the library.
To promote individual growth and/or enhance the life of the Meeting, Cincinnati Friends provide financial support for advanced education at an accredited school or Quaker institution, including undergraduate and graduate schools, and trade or professional re-training programs.
If you have never been granted a scholarship by Cincinnati Friends, you must complete the Educational Scholarship Initial Application form. To be considered for a scholarship for the fall school term, you must provide the completed form, along with a copy of your most recent transcript, to the Cincinnati Friends Scholarship Committee by June 1. For additional information about this process, refer to the Cincinnati Friends Meeting Handbook.
For other schedules (such as a winter or spring admission), please contact a member of the Scholarship Committee to determine the deadline for application.
If you have previously been granted a scholarship by Cincinnati Friends Meeting for an educational program which you are continuing, you must complete the Educational Scholarship Continuing Application form to be considered for a scholarship in subsequent years.
To be considered for a scholarship for the fall school term, you must complete and return this form, along with a copy of your most recent transcript, to the Cincinnati Friends Scholarship Committee by June 1.
For other schedules (such as a winter or spring admission), please contact a member of the Scholarship Committee to determine the deadline for application.
When applying for a scholarship from Cincinnati Friends Meeting, you must provide three letters of recommendation from your advisors, instructors, or others well acquainted with your work and personal character. You can use the Educational Scholarship Letter of Recommendation form to fully apprise your evaluator about the Cincinnati Friends Meeting Educational Scholarship Program and your reasons for seeking a scholarship. Provide each evaluator with a stamped envelope addressed to:
Cincinnati Friends Scholarship Committee
8075 Keller Road
Cincinnati, OH 45243
All volunteers with a leading to work in the ministry of the Meeting, including the education and training of children and youth, must complete the Volunteer Agreement form.
Cincinnati Friends Meeting wishes to provide a safe and spiritually nurturing environment for all individuals, especially with regard to children, youth, and those who may be vulnerable to abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Our Abuse Neglect and Exploitation Policy provide an overview of the behavior expected of all Meeting employees and volunteers, as well as our process for dealing with any incidents in violation of these guidelines.
Any individual seeking full- or part-time employment with Cincinnati Friends Meeting must complete the Application for Employment form.
Cincinnati Friends Meeting affirms a sacred and spiritual commitment to the nurturing, growth, and protection of its members, attenders, and guests, as well as a commitment to the fiscal safeguarding and protection of the Meeting and its resources. The Meeting therefore mandates that background inquiries be conducted for all paid employees (full- and part-time), as well as those volunteers as may be identified specifically by the Meeting. This process is initiated by completing the Background Inquiry Release Form.
Guidance at the Time of My Death lets you specify your preferences regarding your memorial service, burial, and other related details. You can print and complete this document and give it to the Office Administrator, who will place it in the office safe for future reference.
Cincinnati Friends Meeting believes deeply in shared ministry. In some cases, an individual call to ministry might require financial assistance. In 2009, the Meeting set aside some of the bequest from Florence Anderson in order to provide support for such an undertaking, thereby establishing the Anderson Fund for Individual Recognized Ministry (AFFIRM).
An individual with a leading to engage in individual ministry can read more about this undertaking in the Cincinnati Friends Meeting Handbook. The process of having an individual ministry recognized involves requesting a copy of Encouraging & Affirming Ministry packet from the meetinghouse office, requesting a clearness committee, receiving the approval of Meeting for Business, and completing an AFFIRM Grant Application if funds are needed.
Note: As of 2015, Cincinnati Friends Meeting has distributed most of the original AFFIRM grant funds to members/attenders for various ministries. The Meeting has yet to decide whether it will somehow replenish that fund and continue offering financial support.